Convert Visual Basic To Python
Please use the following links to learn more about the project.

  •   Instructions on how to use vb2Py are in the User Guide.
  •   The Reference Manual gives details on how each of the VB code structures is represented in Python.
  •   The project has a roadmap.
  •   For parsing VB we use the SimpleParse package.
  •   A full list of credits is available here.
See the table below for a quick overview of the current conversion capability.
Structure Example VB6 VB.NET Details
General Works Works
Expressions Works Works
If Works Works
With Works Works
Select Works Works
For Works Works
While Works Works
Dim Works Works
Try Works 1 limitations
Limitation: multiple When clauses will not work properly - only the first is checked
Sub Works 1 limitations
Limitation: ByRef, ByVal, , argument passing semantics are ignored
Fn Works 1 limitations
Limitation: ByRef, ByVal, , argument passing semantics are ignored
Type Works Works
Enum Works 1 limitations and 1 checks needed
Check: check that conversion to integers etc is working correctly
Limitation: numeric and other values for enum constants not supported
Properties Works Works
Blocks Works 1 checks needed
Check: variables in the enclosing scope may not be captured in the same way
Class Works Works
Open Works 1 checks needed
Check: not optimized for .NET file access. Still uses channel numbers
Using Works 1 limitations
Limitation: VB code in Dispose method will not be called by Python yet
Structure Works Not working yet
Directives Works 1 limitations
Limitation: assumes that the directive is True (ie the first path in an #If is followed
Dim A as Integer B = 20 Sub DotIt(X as Double) Select Case A Case 1 B = B + X Case 2 B = B - X Case Else B = 0 End Select End Sub Function GetHalfB() As Integer GetHalfB = B / 2 End Function
' ' Expressions are converted to their Python equivalent ' Array indexing only works if using the vbArray class which ' maps the __call__ method to indexing A = This + That B = SomeCall(10, 20, 30) Dim SomeArray(10) As Integer C = SomeArray(10)
' ' Multi-line and singe-line ifs are converted to blocks in Python If A = 10 Then DoSomething() ElseIf B = 20 Then DoSomethingElse() Else OtherCase() If B = 20 Then C = 0 Else C = 1 End If
' ' With statements allow quick access to properties and methods ' of an object. These will be translated into explicit calls to ' a temporary object (in case of side-effects) With Container.Member .Init .IncrementCounter 43 With .ChildItem .Refresh End With End With
' ' Selects are converted to If blocks with a temporary variable to ' hold the tested variables (in case of side-effects). Case ranges ' and options are handled as additional clauses for the if Select Case A Case 1 B = B + X Case 2 B = B - X Select Case B Case 0 to 10 C = 1 Case 11, 12 C = 2 End Select Case Else B = 0 End Select
' ' Numeric for loops use a helper function to create the underlying ' sequence to be iterated over For I = 1 To 10 B = B + 1 For J = 10 To 0 Step -1 If B = 20 Then Exit For Next J Next I ' ' For Each relies on the underlying object supporting the iteration ' protocol (which might not be the case!) For Each Child in Parent Child.CleanUp Next
' ' While and Do loops are converted to a Python while ' block. While Something %3C%3E 10 Something = Something + 1 Wend ' ' A starting until clause reverses the condition Do Until Something = 5 Something = Something - 1 Loop ' ' A final Until clause will generate an If with a break Do Something = Something - 1 Loop Until Something = 0
' ' Dim statements define the types of variables and perform initialisation ' and so are mapped to helper functions which create python objects that ' try to behave like the VB equivalents Dim A Dim B as Integer, C As String A = 10: B = 30: C = "Hello World" ' ' Where arrays are defined these use a helper function which creates ' a variant of a list which has initial values Dim D(10) As String, E(10, 2, 3) As MyClass D(5) = "Hello" E(1, 1, 2) = New MyClass(20) ' ' ReDim statements use the helper function to resize the underlying list ' objects while retaining the size ReDim Preserve D(5) ReDim C(20)
' ' Try ... Catch statements are converted to try ... except blocks Try a = 1 / 0 Catch ZeroDivisionError As Err a = 1000 Finally b = 1 End Try ' ' If an Exit Try is found then an additional try ... except is created ' to allow breaking out of the current Except clause Try a = 1 / 0 Catch a = 1000 Exit Try b = 2000 Finally b = 1 End Try ' ' If there is a "When" clause then this is implemented as an If block ' However, the behaviour is not likely to be identical in Python in the ' current implementation a = 1 Try a = 1 / 0 Catch ZeroDivisionError When a = 1 a = 1000 b = 2000 Finally b = 1 End Try
' ' Subroutines are converted to Python functions and can ' include optional parameters with defaults ' ' An optional parameter with no default uses the helper ' object VBMissingArgument and the helper function IsMissing Sub MySub(X, Optional Y, Optional Z=20) Dim subLocal If IsMissing(Y) Then Y = 12 subLocal = X + Y + Z + moduleGlobal End Sub MySub 1, 2 MySub 1, Z:=10 ' ' Passing by Value converts but behaves differently for ' immutable types in Python. Sub DoIt(x, ByVal y) x = x + 1 y = y + 1 End Sub x = 0 y = 0 DoIt x, y ' x is now 1, y is still 0
' ' Functions use a variable to store the result of the ' function during its execution Function MyFunc(X, Optional Y, Optional Z=20) Dim subLocal subLocal = X + Y + Z MyFunc = subLocal*10 End Function a = MyFunc(1, 2) a = MyFunc(1, Z:=10)
' ' Types create classes with properties to store the ' values of the types Type Point X As Single Y As Single End Type ' Type Line2D Start As Point Finish As Point End Type ' Dim p1 As Point, p2 As Point p1.X = 10 p1.Y = 20 p2.X = 30 p3.Y = 40 ' Dim l1 As Line2D l1.Start = p1 l1.Finish = p2
' ' Enums create variables with the same names Enum Number One = 1 Two = 2 Three = 3 Four = 4 Ten = 10 Hundred = 100 End Enum Enum Day Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri End Enum
' ' In class modules you can use properties to provide ' accessor functions. These are converted to the Python ' equivalent Dim myValue = 0 Property Let PriceToPublic(Value As Integer) myValue = myValue - Value If myValue %3C 0 Then myValue = 0 End Property Property Get PriceToPublic() PriceToPublic = 2 * myValue End Property
' ' .NET Anonymous functions are converted to Python lambda's Value = CallIt(Function(a, b) a+b) Function CallIt(fn_object) Try Return fn_object(10, 20) Catch Return "There was an error" End Try End Function
' ' In the context of a class module, dimensioned variables ' are converted to attributes of the class and any ' subroutines and functions are converted to methods ' of the class. Dim A as Integer Dim B = 20 Sub DotIt(X as Double) Select Case A Case 1 B = B + X Case 2 B = B - X Case Else B = 0 End Select End Sub Function GetHalfB() As Integer GetHalfB = B / 2 End Function
' ' File operations using #channels are mapped to a helper ' function that keeps track of the open files Open "myfile.txt" For Input as #1 Line Input #1, aLine Close #1 ' ' This also handles the writing of files Open "myOtherFile.txt" For Append as #2 Print #2, "Hello World" Seek #2, 1 Print #2, "Here at the beginning" Close #2
' ' Using blocks are mapped to with blocks. Using A As Object.Value b = A.Result() End Using
#If Something DoIt() #Else DoSomethingElse() #EndIf