Convert Visual Basic To Python
Latest changes

     - Allow **As** in typecast to be lower case


     - Improved detection of .NET to look for #Regions and ignore them when parsing

     - Improved **reporting of the line number** that a parsing error occurred on

     - Initial version of **Imports** statement for .NET

     - Fixed issue with floating point numbers **1.0#** not parsing properly

     - Allow (but ignore) typecasting in For statements **For A As Integer**

     - Allow (but ignore) types defined by "Of" in array declarations, eg **Dim A As List(Of String)**.

     - Fixed issue with expressions with brackets around a simple object **(this).Value + 10**

     - Implemented conversion of **Try ... Catch** blocks in .NET

     - Implemented conversion of **AndAlso** and **OrElse** comparisons in .NET

     - Implemented initialization of new array variables within an expression in .NET

     - Implemented Using when has an "=" rather than an "As"

     - Implemented **Exit While** statement

     - Implemented automatic continuations when within bracketted lists **(a, b, \n c)**

     - Fixed parsing of enums with types **Enum X As Integer**

     - Implemented closure functions for .NET **Dim X = Function(x) x*2**

     - Fixed parsing of passing semantics decorators for .NET **Sub A(<[In]()> x)**

     - Implemented **Inherits** for .NET

     - Fixed parsing of identifiers starting with **_**

     - Parse .NET **Namespace** out but don't do anything with it yet


     - Fixed lower case "then" in an if

     - Fixed "reset" not being a reserved keyword

     - Fixed parsing of Declare PtrSafe

     - Improved language detection to warn if invalid file is being converted

     - Fixed parsing issue with trailing colon in else statement (**"Else:"**)

     - Improved **RecordSet** parsing and conversion

     - Fixed parsing issue with brackets only around an If condition **If(A=1) Then ...**

     - Fixed parsing issue with explicit call with parameters **Call Something 10**

     - Added **progress bar** to online conversion to estimate how long it should take

     - Added a better check for some file types **(VBP, C# etc)** and warn about these


     - Implemented new "Smart" option for select variables. Tries to guess best approach.

     - Support for the weird **Then Else** construct (If A Then Else B)

     - Fixed parsing bug for **Sub/Function definition** all on one line

     - Fixed parsing bug for **Do/While** all on one line

     - Fixed parsing of **date and time literals**

     - Fixed parsing issue of **space between formal parameter list and object** reference

     - Fixed parsing issue with comment on **#End If** line of directive

  • 0.4.1

     - Made available through **pip**

     - Reworked the **line continuation** logic so should be much less susceptible to failing

     - Fixed issue with **highlighting the incorrect error** line when the error was on a continuation line

     - Fixed issue with **<> not being converted to !=** in comparison


     - Added **Paste** button to quickly insert VB into the window

     - Fixed parsing error if a **label named "Loop"** was present in a Do .. Loop

     - Added detection for **Decimal** floats

     - Fixed parsing error when Dim statement had spaces before "," (eg **Dim A , B**)

     - Fixed parsing issue with **line continuation with a With** and the With variable was the first item on a line

     - Fixed parsing of **Enum's with multiple items** per line

     - Preserve **comments in Enums**

     - Fixed **Enum auto-numbering** for Enums with some set and some unset values

     - Fixed parsing issue with **continuation when the next line is blank**


     - If **both property Let and Set** are present then choose the Set (new option to alter this to Let)

     - Fixed parsing bug with space before brackets on a call: *A = Something ()*

     - Fixed parsing bug with empty brackets on LHS of assignment: *A () = SomeFnReturningArray()*

     - Fixed issue with **"submit file"** button not being displayed when parsing failed

     - Fixed issue with **label just before the Next** from a For loop

     - Fixed issue with **labels on Else, ElseIf, and Case** statements

     - Fixed issue with **.variable** outside of a With block (this is a syntax error but would crash the converter)

     - Implemented solution for VB6 directives (**#If #Else etc**), by default assumes the If is true.


     - Added button to copy Python **code to clipboard**

     - Fixed issue which could crash the server when checking the latest update time


     - Added server **status display** for online conversion

     - Added ability to download both the **code and the runtime** files as a zip