Help for Online Converter |
Here are some typical questions, problems and resolutions for using the online version of the code converter. 1.
My form wont translate - I get a parsing error
My form wont translate - I get a parsing error You can identify the layout portion as that section at the head of the file which is between the Begin VB.Form and its corresponding End statement. 2. What does the context mean? The context sets the kind of file that the code originally came from. When you run the full version of vb2Py then it reads files directly so it knows when code comes from a form, class or code module and can convert accordingly. In the online version there is no such information so you need to tell it. The main difference between the three types is that class and form modules get converted to a single Python class whereas code modules get converted to a series of functions. Form and class modules differ slightly in the default data hiding approach. 3. I posted VB.NET code and it didn't work VB.NET is similar to VB6/VBA but also different in significant ways. Much VB.NET code will actually convert but Classes will almost always cause a parsing error because the Class definition is explicit in VB.NET and this is a syntax error in VB6. For the time-being the only way aroud this is to try to cut out those sections of your VB.NET file that would fail in VB6. 4. I get "ordinal not in range" or other Unicode type errors The converter currently does not support unicode text and will fail in many ways if you paste non-ASCII characters. Unfortunately this will take some time to fix and there isn't a workaround other than replacing all the characters with some ASCII character. Note that this restriction is true of the full version also. |