vb2Py - User Types

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VB has the concept of a user Type. A user can define a Type which can then be used to define variables which have one or more properties, each with its own type. The closest Python equivalent is a bare class. VB User Types are converted to bare classes with the appropriate properties. When a user Type is used, an istance of the class is created in the Python code.

Class properties are defined in an __init__ method to avoid having mutable class properties.

Default Conversion


Type Point
X As Single
Y As Single
End Type
Type Line2D
Start As Point
Finish As Point
End Type
Dim p1 As Point, p2 As Point
p1.X = 10
p1.Y = 20
p2.X = 30
p3.Y = 40
Dim l1 As Line2D
l1.Start = p1
l1.Finish = p2



class Point:
def __init__(self):
self.X = Single()
self.Y = Single()

class Line2D:
def __init__(self):
self.Start = Point()
self.Finish = Point()

p1 = Point()
p2 = Point()
l1 = Line2D()

p1.X = 10
p1.Y = 20
p2.X = 30
p3.Y = 40
l1.Start = p1
l1.Finish = p2

List of Options

There are no options specific to the Type statement.