List Of Options

All the options are in the vb2py.ini file located in the main vb2py folder.
























With EvaluateVariable


With UseNumericIndex







The list of all General options is shown in the following table:

# Space or Tab
IndentCharacter = Space 
# Number of spaces/tabs                                 
IndentAmount = 4                                                         
# Marker to use when code needs user attention
AttentionMarker = VB2PY                         
# Yes or No
WarnAboutUnrenderedCode = Yes   
# Yes or No, whether to use user plugins or not. If No, system plugins will still work
LoadUserPlugins = No
# Default logging level, 0 is nothing
LoggingLevel = 0
# Yes or No, whether to dump form data to screen - Yes seems to crash the GUI!
DumpFormData = No
# Yes or No, whether the full VB parser is used to convert code
UseFullParser = Yes
# Yes or No, whether to respect Private status of variables
RespectPrivateStatus = Yes
# Prefix to use to tag data as private (Python normally uses __ but VB convention is m_)
PrivateDataPrefix = __
# Yes or No, whether to use raw strings for all literals - very safe but not necessarily good looking!
AlwaysUseRawStringLiterals = No
# Yes or No, whether to try to automatically extract docstrings from the code
TryToExtractDocStrings = Yes
# Yes or No, whether to return a partially converted file when an error is found
ReportPartialConversion = Yes


Syntax: IndentCharacter = Space | Tab

# Space or Tab
IndentCharacter = Space 

Sets the indentation character as a Space or a Tab. The number of indent characters is set by the IndentAmount.

The default is a space.


' VB2PY-Set: General.IndentCharacter = Space
If a = 10 Then
b = 1
b = 2
End If
' VB2PY-Unset: General.IndentCharacter

if a == 10:
b = 1
b = 2

Be careful when switching to Tab to set the IndentAmount, or you will end up with four tabs!


' VB2PY-Set: General.IndentCharacter = Tab
If a = 10 Then
b = 1
b = 2
End If
' VB2PY-Unset: General.IndentCharacter

if a == 10:
b = 1
b = 2


Syntax: IndentAmount = <integer>

# Space or Tab
IndentAmount = 4        

Sets the number of IndentCharacter 's to be used to indent code blocks.

The default is 4.


' VB2PY-Set: General.IndentAmount = 4
If a = 10 Then
b = 1
b = 2
End If
' VB2PY-Unset: General.IndentAmount

if a == 10:
b = 1
b = 2

Other values are allowed.


' VB2PY-Set: General.IndentAmount = 8
If a = 10 Then
b = 1
b = 2
End If
' VB2PY-Unset: General.IndentAmount

if a == 10:
b = 1
b = 2


Syntax: AttentionMarker = <string>

# Marker to use when code needs user attention
AttentionMarker = VB2PY                         

Sets the marker to use in comments when highlighting part of the converted code that needs attention.

The default is VB2PY.


' VB2PY-Set: General.AttentionMarker = VB2PY
On Error Goto 0
' VB2PY-Unset: General.AttentionMarker

# VB2PY (UntranslatedCode) On Error Goto 0

Other values are allowed.


' VB2PY-Set: General.AttentionMarker = TODO
On Error Goto 0
' VB2PY-Unset: General.AttentionMarker

# TODO (UntranslatedCode) On Error Goto 0


Syntax: WarnAboutUnrenderedCode = Yes | No

# Yes or No
WarnAboutUnrenderedCode = Yes   

Determined whether an AttentionMarker is inserted in the Python code to highligh VB code which has not been rendered.

The default is Yes.


' VB2PY-Set: General.WarnAboutUnrenderedCode = Yes
On Error Goto 0
' VB2PY-Unset: General.WarnAboutUnrenderedCode

# VB2PY (UntranslatedCode) On Error Goto 0

Other values are allowed.


' VB2PY-Set: General.WarnAboutUnrenderedCode = No
On Error Goto 0
' VB2PY-Unset: General.WarnAboutUnrenderedCode


Syntax: LoadUserPlugins = Yes | No

# Yes or No, whether to use user plugins or not. If No, system plugins will still work
LoadUserPlugins = No

Determines whether user plug-ins are loaded and executed during the normal code conversion process. User plug-ins are kept in the extensions folder of the vb2py directory. System plug-ins are also located in this folder but are not affected by the value of this setting.


Syntax: LoggingLevel = <integer>

# Default logging level, 0 is nothing
LoggingLevel = 0

Sets the default logging level to use during the code conversion. If this is set to 0 then no logging messages will be output. The logging levels are defined in the standard Python logging module.


Syntax: DumpFormData = Yes | No

# Yes or No, whether to dump form data to screen - Yes seems to crash the GUI!
DumpFormData = No

If this is set to Yes then the form classes will be dumped to the screen during form conversion. This may be useful if there is a problem during the conversion process.

The default is No.


Syntax: RespectPrivateStatus = Yes | No

# Yes or No, whether to respect Private status of variables
RespectPrivateStatus = Yes

If this variable is set to Yes then variables, subroutines and functions in VB which are either explicitely or implicitely Private will have their Python names converted to have a PrivateDataPrefix. Setting this variable to No will ignore the Private status of all variables.

The default is Yes.


' VB2PY-GlobalSet: General.RespectPrivateStatus = Yes
Public Name As String
Public Age As Single
Private ID As Long

Public Sub checkAge()
If Age = 0 Then Age = 1
End Sub
Private Sub setUp()
ID = Rnd()
If ID = 0 Then setUp
End Sub
' VB2PY-Unset: General.RespectPrivateStatus

class MyClass(Object):

Name = String()
Age = Single()
__ID = Long()

def checkAge(self):
if self.Age == 0:
self.Age = 1

def __setUp(self):
self.__ID = Rnd()
if self.__ID == 0:

An example with No.


' VB2PY-GlobalSet: General.RespectPrivateStatus = No
Public Name As String
Public Age As Single
Private ID As Long

Public Sub checkAge()
If Age = 0 Then Age = 1
End Sub
Private Sub setUp()
ID = Rnd()
If ID = 0 Then setUp
End Sub
' VB2PY-Unset: General.RespectPrivateStatus

class MyClass(Object):

Name = String()
Age = Single()
ID = Long()

def checkAge(self):
if self.Age == 0:
self.Age = 1

def setUp(self):
self.ID = Rnd()
if self.ID == 0:


Syntax: PrivateDataPrefix = <string>

# Prefix to use to tag data as private (Python normally uses __ but VB convention is m_)
PrivateDataPrefix = __

If RespectPrivateStatus is set to Yes then variables, subroutines and functions in VB which are either explicitely or implicitely Private will have their Python names converted to have a prefix and this setting determines what that prefix will be.

The default is ___.


' VB2PY-GlobalSet: General.PrivateDataPrefix = prv
Public Name As String
Public Age As Single
Private ID As Long

Public Sub checkAge()
If Age = 0 Then Age = 1
End Sub
Private Sub setUp()
ID = Rnd()
If ID = 0 Then setUp
End Sub
' VB2PY-Unset: General.PrivateDataPrefix

class MyClass(Object):

Name = String()
Age = Single()
prvID = Long()

def checkAge(self):
if self.Age == 0:
self.Age = 1

def prvsetUp(self):
self.prvID = Rnd()
if self.prvID == 0:

If the value used is not "__" then the data will not be hidden as far as Python is concerned.


' VB2PY-GlobalSet: General.PrivateDataPrefix = m_
Public Name As String
Public Age As Single
Private ID As Long

Public Sub checkAge()
If Age = 0 Then Age = 1
End Sub
Private Sub setUp()
ID = Rnd()
If ID = 0 Then setUp
End Sub
' VB2PY-Unset: General.PrivateDataPrefix

class MyClass(Object):

Name = String()
Age = Single()
m_ID = Long()

def checkAge(self):
if self.Age == 0:
self.Age = 1

def m_setUp(self):
self.m_ID = Rnd()
if self.m_ID == 0:


Syntax: AlwaysUseRawStringLiterals = Yes | No

# Yes or No, whether to use raw strings for all literals - very safe but not necessarily good looking!
AlwaysUseRawStringLiterals = No

By default, all VB strings are just converted to Python strings. However, if the VB string contains the backslash character then it is quite likely that the Python version will not be the same since Python will interpret the backslash as a control character. Setting the AlwaysUseRawStringLiterals option to Yes will cause all VB strings to be converted to raw Python strings (r"string"), which will prevent such problems.

The default is No.


' VB2PY-GlobalSet: General.AlwaysUseRawStringLiterals = No
myString = "a\path\name"
' VB2PY-Unset: General.AlwaysUseRawStringLiterals

# VB2PY (ParserError) Parsing error: 0, 'myString = "a\path\name"'
# VB2PY (ParserStop) Conversion of VB code halted

Setting the option to Yes is safe but doesn't always look good in the code.


' VB2PY-GlobalSet: General.AlwaysUseRawStringLiterals = Yes
myString = "a\path\name"
' VB2PY-Unset: General.AlwaysUseRawStringLiterals

# VB2PY (ParserError) Parsing error: 0, 'myString = "a\path\name"'
# VB2PY (ParserStop) Conversion of VB code halted


Syntax: TryToExtractDocStrings = Yes | No

# Yes or No, whether to try to automatically extract docstrings from the code
TryToExtractDocStrings = Yes

If TryToExtractDocStrings is set then any contiguous block of comment lines found at the start of a module are interpretted as a docstring and added to the class definition. The docstring terminates with the first non-comment line.

The default is No.


' VB2PY-GlobalSet: General.TryToExtractDocStrings = No
' This is the documentation for the module
' This line is also documentation
' So is this one
' And this is the last

Public Name As String
Public Age As Single
Private ID As Long

Public Sub checkAge()
If Age = 0 Then Age = 1
End Sub
Private Sub setUp()
ID = Rnd()
If ID = 0 Then setUp
End Sub
' VB2PY-Unset: General.TryToExtractDocStrings

Name = String()
Age = Single()
ID = Long()

def checkAge():
global Age
if Age == 0:
Age = 1

def setUp():
global ID
ID = Rnd()
if ID == 0:

# This is the documentation for the module
# This line is also documentation
# So is this one
# And this is the last

When the option is Yes docstrings will be created.


' VB2PY-GlobalSet: General.TryToExtractDocStrings = Yes
' This is the documentation for the module
' This line is also documentation
' So is this one
' And this is the last

Public Name As String
Public Age As Single
Private ID As Long

Public Sub checkAge()
If Age = 0 Then Age = 1
End Sub
Private Sub setUp()
ID = Rnd()
If ID = 0 Then setUp
End Sub
' VB2PY-Unset: General.TryToExtractDocStrings

""" This is the documentation for the module
This line is also documentation
So is this one
And this is the last


Name = String()
Age = Single()
ID = Long()

def checkAge():
global Age
if Age == 0:
Age = 1

def setUp():
global ID
ID = Rnd()
if ID == 0:


Syntax: ReportPartialConversion = Yes | No

# Yes or No, whether to return a partially converted file when an error is found
ReportPartialConversion = Yes

This option is used to determine what happens when the conversion fails for some reason. If the option is set to Yes then the conversion will return as much code as it can. If the option is set to No then the conversion will just fail and return nothing at all.

The default is Yes.


' VB2PY-Set: General.ReportPartialConversion = Yes
a = 10
b = 20
c = 30
something that wont convert
d = 40
e = 50
' VB2PY-Unset: General.ReportPartialConversion

a = 10
b = 20
c = 30
# VB2PY (ParserError) Parsing error: 0, 'something that wont convert'
# VB2PY (ParserStop) Conversion of VB code halted

When the option is No you wont get any output if there is an error.


' VB2PY-Set: General.ReportPartialConversion = No
a = 10
b = 20
c = 30
something that wont convert
d = 40
e = 50
' VB2PY-Unset: General.ReportPartialConversion

a = 10
b = 20
c = 30
# VB2PY (ParserError) Parsing error: 0, 'something that wont convert'
# VB2PY (ParserStop) Conversion of VB code halted


The list of all Function options is shown in the following table:

# Name of variable used in Functions
ReturnVariableName = _ret             
# Yes or No, leave at Yes unless good reasons!
PreInitializeReturnVariable = Yes     


Syntax: ReturnVariableName = <string>

# Name of variable used in Functions
ReturnVariableName = _ret             

This option allows the return variable name to be specified. No checking is done to ensure that the name does not clash with local or global variables, so care should be taken when selecting a suitable name.


Dim moduleGlobal1, moduleGlobal2

' VB2PY-GlobalSet: Functions.ReturnVariableName = _MyFunc
Function MyFunc(X, Optional Y, Optional Z=20)
Dim subLocal
subLocal = X + Y + Z + moduleGlobal
moduleGlobal2 = moduleGlobal2 + 1
MyFunc = subLocal*10
End Function
' VB2PY-Unset: Functions.ReturnVariableName

a = MyFunc(1, 2)
a = MyFunc(1, Z:=10)

moduleGlobal1 = Variant()
moduleGlobal2 = Variant()

def MyFunc(X, Y=VBMissingArgument, Z=20):
global moduleGlobal2
_MyFunc = None
subLocal = X + Y + Z + moduleGlobal
moduleGlobal2 = moduleGlobal2 + 1
_MyFunc = subLocal * 10
return _MyFunc

a = MyFunc(1, 2)
a = MyFunc(1, Z= 10)


Syntax: PreInitializeReturnVariable = Yes | No

# Yes or No, leave at Yes unless good reasons!
PreInitializeReturnVariable = Yes     

By default the return variable is initialized to None at the start of the function so that an error does not occur in the event that the function returns before the return variable has been assigned to. This option allows this initialization step to be omitted and is safe as long as all return paths from the function include an explicit assignment to the return value variable.


Dim moduleGlobal1, moduleGlobal2

' VB2PY-GlobalSet: Functions.PreInitializeReturnVariable = Yes
Function MyFunc(X, Optional Y, Optional Z=20)
Dim subLocal
subLocal = X + Y + Z + moduleGlobal
moduleGlobal2 = moduleGlobal2 + 1
MyFunc = subLocal*10
End Function
' VB2PY-Unset: Functions.PreInitializeReturnVariable

a = MyFunc(1, 2)
a = MyFunc(1, Z:=10)

moduleGlobal1 = Variant()
moduleGlobal2 = Variant()

def MyFunc(X, Y=VBMissingArgument, Z=20):
global moduleGlobal2
_ret = None
subLocal = X + Y + Z + moduleGlobal
moduleGlobal2 = moduleGlobal2 + 1
_ret = subLocal * 10
return _ret

a = MyFunc(1, 2)
a = MyFunc(1, Z= 10)

Compare this with,


Dim moduleGlobal1, moduleGlobal2

' VB2PY-GlobalSet: Functions.PreInitializeReturnVariable = No
Function MyFunc(X, Optional Y, Optional Z=20)
Dim subLocal
subLocal = X + Y + Z + moduleGlobal
moduleGlobal2 = moduleGlobal2 + 1
MyFunc = subLocal*10
End Function
' VB2PY-Unset: Functions.PreInitializeReturnVariable

a = MyFunc(1, 2)
a = MyFunc(1, Z:=10)

moduleGlobal1 = Variant()
moduleGlobal2 = Variant()

def MyFunc(X, Y=VBMissingArgument, Z=20):
global moduleGlobal2
subLocal = X + Y + Z + moduleGlobal
moduleGlobal2 = moduleGlobal2 + 1
_ret = subLocal * 10
return _ret

a = MyFunc(1, 2)
a = MyFunc(1, Z= 10)


The list of all Select options is shown in the following table:

# Once or EachTime, how many times to evaluate the case variable  
EvaluateVariable = Once
# Name of select variable (only used if EvaluateVariable is Once)
SelectVariablePrefix = _select
# Yes or No, use numeric index on select variable (needed if you every have nested Selects and EvaluateVariable = Once)
UseNumericIndex = Yes


Syntax: EvaluateVariable = Yes | No

# Once or EachTime, how many times to evaluate the case variable  
EvaluateVariable = Once

The default behaviour when converting a Select is to evaluate the select expression once at the start of the block. By setting this option to EachTime you can force the expression to be evaluated for each if/elif statement. This generally looks cleaner but can lead to undesired side effects or slow run times depending on how expensive the expression is to calculate.


' VB2PY-Set: Select.EvaluateVariable = Once
Select Case Value
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3, 4
Case 5 To 10
Case Else
End Select
' VB2PY-Unset: Select.EvaluateVariable

_select0 = Value
if (_select0 == 1):
elif (_select0 == 2):
elif (_select0 == 3) or (_select0 == 4):
elif (5 <= _select0 <= 10):

Compare this to,


' VB2PY-Set: Select.EvaluateVariable = EachTime
Select Case Value
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3, 4
Case 5 To 10
Case Else
End Select
' VB2PY-Unset: Select.EvaluateVariable

if (Value == 1):
elif (Value == 2):
elif (Value == 3) or (Value == 4):
elif (5 <= Value <= 10):


Syntax: SelectVariablePrefix = <string>

# Name of select variable (only used if EvaluateVariable is Once)
SelectVariablePrefix = _select

When EvaluateVariable is set to Once, this option determines the prefix used to name the variable used in the select. If UseNumericIndex is set to No then this option sets the variable name used, otherwise this is the prefix and the final variable will also include a unique ID number.


' VB2PY-Set: Select.SelectVariablePrefix = selectVariable
Select Case Value
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3, 4
Case 5 To 10
Case Else
End Select
' VB2PY-Unset: Select.SelectVariablePrefix

selectVariable2 = Value
if (selectVariable2 == 1):
elif (selectVariable2 == 2):
elif (selectVariable2 == 3) or (selectVariable2 == 4):
elif (5 <= selectVariable2 <= 10):


Syntax: UseNumericIndex = Yes | No

# Yes or No, use numeric index on select variable (needed if you every have nested Selects and EvaluateVariable = Once)
UseNumericIndex = Yes

When EvaluateVariable is set to Once, this option determines whether a unique ID number is appended to the SelectVariablePrefix to determine the variable name used to hold the select expression. If used, the index is incremented for each select constuct found. This option is always required to be Yes where the code includes nested Select blocks and EvaluateVariable is set to Once. If neither of these conditions applies then it is safe to set this to No


' VB2PY-Set: Select.UseNumericIndex = Yes
Select Case Value
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3, 4
Case 5 To 10
Case Else
End Select
' VB2PY-Unset: Select.UseNumericIndex

_select3 = Value
if (_select3 == 1):
elif (_select3 == 2):
elif (_select3 == 3) or (_select3 == 4):
elif (5 <= _select3 <= 10):

Comapre this to,


' VB2PY-Set: Select.UseNumericIndex = No
Select Case Value
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3, 4
Case 5 To 10
Case Else
End Select
' VB2PY-Unset: Select.UseNumericIndex

_select = Value
if (_select == 1):
elif (_select == 2):
elif (_select == 3) or (_select == 4):
elif (5 <= _select <= 10):


The list of all Labels options is shown in the following table:

# Yes or No, ignore labels completely
IgnoreLabels = Yes


Syntax: IgnoreLabels = Yes | No

# Yes or No, ignore labels completely
IgnoreLabels = Yes

Labels are not supported in vb2Py v0.2. If you have VB code with labels on every line then you will get a huge number of attention markers telling you that the label was not converted. You can silence these warning by setting the IgnoreLabels option to Yes.


' VB2PY-Set: Labels.IgnoreLabels = No
10: a=1
20: b=2
30: c=3
' VB2PY-Unset: Labels.IgnoreLabels

# VB2PY (UntranslatedCode) 10:
a = 1
# VB2PY (UntranslatedCode) 20:
b = 2
# VB2PY (UntranslatedCode) 30:
c = 3

Comapre this to,


' VB2PY-Set: Labels.IgnoreLabels = Yes
10: a=1
20: b=2
30: c=3
' VB2PY-Unset: Labels.IgnoreLabels

a = 1
b = 2
c = 3


The list of all With options is shown in the following table:

# Once or EachTime, how many times to evaluate the with variable  
EvaluateVariable = Once
# Name of with variable (only used if EvaluateVariable is Once)
WithVariablePrefix = _with
# Yes or No, use numeric index on with variable (needed if you every have nested Withs and EvaluateVariable = Once)
UseNumericIndex = Yes

With EvaluateVariable

Syntax: EvaluateVariable = Yes | No

# Once or EachTime, how many times to evaluate the with variable  

The default behaviour is to evaluate the With object once at the start of the block. By setting this option to EachTime you can force the object to be evaluated each time it is required. This generally looks more natural but can lead to undesired side effects or slow run times depending on how expensive [1]_ the object is to calculate.


' VB2PY-Set: With.EvaluateVariable = Once
With MyObject
.Height = 10
.Width = .Height * .ScaleFactor
End With
' VB2PY-Unset: With.EvaluateVariable

_with0 = MyObject
_with0.Height = 10
_with0.Width = _with0.Height * _with0.ScaleFactor

Compare this to,


' VB2PY-Set: With.EvaluateVariable = EveryTime
With MyObject
.Height = 10
.Width = .Height * .ScaleFactor
End With
' VB2PY-Unset: With.EvaluateVariable

MyObject.Height = 10
MyObject.Width = MyObject.Height * MyObject.ScaleFactor


Syntax: WithVariablePrefix = <string>

# Name of with variable (only used if EvaluateVariable is Once)
WithVariablePrefix = _select

When With EvaluateVariable is set to Once, this option determines the prefix used to name the variable used in the With. If With UseNumericIndex is set to No then this option sets the variable name used, otherwise this is the prefix and the final variable will also include a unique ID number.


' VB2PY-Set: With.WithVariablePrefix = withVariable
With MyObject
.Height = 10
.Width = .Height * .ScaleFactor
End With
' VB2PY-Unset: With.WithVariablePrefix

withVariable2 = MyObject
withVariable2.Height = 10
withVariable2.Width = withVariable2.Height * withVariable2.ScaleFactor

With UseNumericIndex

Syntax: UseNumericIndex = Yes | No

# Yes or No, use numeric index on select variable (needed if you every have nested Selects and EvaluateVariable = Once)
UseNumericIndex = Yes

When With EvaluateVariable is set to Once, this option determines whether a unique ID number is appended to the WithVariablePrefix to determine the variable name used to hold the object. If used, the index is incremented for each With constuct found. This option is always required to be Yes where the code includes nested With blocks and With EvaluateVariable is set to Once. If neither of these conditions applies then it is safe to set this to No


' VB2PY-Set: With.UseNumericIndex = No
With MyObject
.Height = 10
.Width = .Height * .ScaleFactor
End With
' VB2PY-Unset: With.UseNumericIndex

_with = MyObject
_with.Height = 10
_with.Width = _with.Height * _with.ScaleFactor

Compare this to,


' VB2PY-Set: With.UseNumericIndex = Yes
With MyObject
.Height = 10
.Width = .Height * .ScaleFactor
End With
' VB2PY-Unset: With.UseNumericIndex

_with4 = MyObject
_with4.Height = 10
_with4.Width = _with4.Height * _with4.ScaleFactor


The list of all Property options is shown in the following table:

# Prefix to add to property Let/Set function name
LetSetVariablePrefix = set
# Prefix to add to property Get function name
GetVariablePrefix = get


Syntax: LetSetVariablePrefix = <string>

# Prefix to add to property Let/Set function name
LetSetVariablePrefix = set

In class modules where properties are defined, vb2Py creates get and set methods to access and assign to the property. Since VB uses a syntactic form to distinguish between the getters and setters but Python uses different names with the same syntax there is a need to automatically generate a name for the get and set methods. The getter and setter methods are determined by the LetSetVariablePrefix and GetVariablePrefix respectively.


' VB2PY-Set: Properties.LetSetVariablePrefix = doSet_
Dim mName As String
Dim mAge As Single

Public Property Let Name(Value)
mName = Value
End Property
Public Property Get Name()
Name = mName
End Property

' VB2PY-Unset: Properties.LetSetVariablePrefix


mName = String()
mAge = Single()

def setName(Value):
global mName
mName = Value

def getName():
global Name
_ret = None
_ret = mName
return _ret
Name = property(fset=setName, fget=getName)


Syntax: GetVariablePrefix = <string>

# Prefix to add to property Get function name
GetVariablePrefix = set

In class modules where properties are defined, vb2Py creates get and set methods to access and assign to the property. Since VB uses a syntactic form to distinguish between the getters and setters but Python uses different names with the same syntax there is a need to automatically generate a name for the get and set methods. The getter and setter methods are determined by the LetSetVariablePrefix and GetVariablePrefix respectively.


' VB2PY-Set: Properties.GetVariablePrefix = doGet_
Dim mName As String
Dim mAge As Single

Public Property Let Name(Value)
mName = Value
End Property
Public Property Get Name()
Name = mName
End Property

' VB2PY-Unset: Properties.GetVariablePrefix


mName = String()
mAge = Single()

def setName(Value):
global mName
mName = Value

def getName():
global Name
_ret = None
_ret = mName
return _ret
Name = property(fset=setName, fget=getName)


The list of all Class options is shown in the following table:

# Yes or No, whether to use new style classes for all classes
UseNewStyleClasses = Yes


Syntax: UseNewStyleClasses = Yes | No

# Yes or No, whether to use new style classes for all classes
UseNewStyleClasses = Yes

By default, all classes are created as new style Python classes (inheriting from Object). Old style classes can be created by setting the UseNewStyleClasses option to No.


' VB2PY-GlobalSet: Classes.UseNewStyleClasses = Yes
Public Name As String
Public Age As Single
Private ID As Long

Public Sub checkAge()
If Age = 0 Then Age = 1
End Sub
Private Sub setUp()
ID = Rnd()
If ID = 0 Then setUp
End Sub
' VB2PY-Unset: Classes.UseNewStyleClasses

class MyClass(Object):

Name = String()
Age = Single()
__ID = Long()

def checkAge(self):
if self.Age == 0:
self.Age = 1

def __setUp(self):
self.__ID = Rnd()
if self.__ID == 0:

Compare this to,


' VB2PY-GlobalSet: Classes.UseNewStyleClasses = No
Public Name As String
Public Age As Single
Private ID As Long

Public Sub checkAge()
If Age = 0 Then Age = 1
End Sub
Private Sub setUp()
ID = Rnd()
If ID = 0 Then setUp
End Sub
' VB2PY-Unset: Classes.UseNewStyleClasses

class MyClass:

Name = String()
Age = Single()
__ID = Long()

def checkAge(self):
if self.Age == 0:
self.Age = 1

def __setUp(self):
self.__ID = Rnd()
if self.__ID == 0:

Docutils System Messages

System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 808); backlink

Unknown target name: "1".