vb2Py Installation

Important If you installed v0.1, or the CVS version, prior to v0.2 please remove the old directories completely before installing v0.2. Changes in the package (in particular the renaming of vb2py.py) will causes problems. Sorry for the confusion!

vb2Py uses Python and has been tested on Python 2.2. Python 2.3 should work but earlier versions will not.

Main Installation

vb2Py is written in Python and runs on any platform which has a Python interpreter.

Once you have downloaded the vb2py package you will have a zip file. Before you can do anything you must have Python installed. After Python is installed you can install the vb2py modules by going to the directory you unzipped the files to and typing:

> python setup.py install

Now you should have a 'vb2py' folder in your Python site packages directory.

You also need to make sure you have both PythonCard and Simpleparse installed on your system.

Once these additional resources are installed on your system you should be ready to go and use the converter.

Note: You do not need VB to run the converter!

GUI Installation

The vb2Py GUI is also written in Python and uses the PythonCard GUI toolkit. Installation of the GUI is the same as for the main libraries. Once you have downloaded the vb2pygui you will have a zip file. You can install the vb2pygui module by going to the directory you unzipped the files to and typing:

> python setup.py install

Now you should have a 'vb2pygui' folder in your Python site packages directory.

Simpleparse Installation

vb2Py uses the Simpleparse module to parse the Visual Basic code. You can download the Simpleparse files from the Simpleparse download site. NB You need ``Simpleparse v2.0.1a2`` or later. Follow the instructions on the Simpleparse homepage to install the software.

You will also need to do the mxTextTools Installation.

mxTextTools Installation

The Simpleparse library uses the mxTextTools libraries. Once you have downloaded these, follow the instructions on the mxTools homepage.

PythonCard Installation

If you want to use the vb2Py GUI or view converted forms actually running, then you will need the PythonCard GUI library. You can download the software from the PythonCard download site. Installation instructions are on the PythonCard homepage. vb2Py has been tested with the 0.7 Prototype version but should work with later versions also.