
  VB Keywords
Visual Basic keywords and their Python equivalents

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VB Control Structures

Subroutines and Functions


Error Handling


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The VB part of the following table was obtained from HTML goodies website (www.htmlgoodies.com). Some of the Python equivalents are not simple one-liners!

Keyword/Feature Description Python Equivalent
Array handling
IsArray Returns True if a variable is an array hasattr(obj, 'len') ??
Erase Reinitilizes a fixed-size array  
LBound Returns the lower bound of an array 0
UBound Returns the upper bound of an array len(obj)
= Assigns a value to a variable =
Let Assigns a value to a variable Not required
Set Assigns an object to a variable Not required
` Includes inline comments in your script #
Rem Includes comments in your script #
Empty Indicates an uninitialized variable None
Nothing Disassociates a variable with an object None
Null Indicates a variable with no data None
True Boolean True True (1 pre Python 2.3)
False Boolean False False (0 pre Python 2.3)
Control flow
Do...Loop Repeats a block of statements while
For...Next Repeats a block of statements for
For Each...Next Repeats a block of statements for
If...Then...Else Conditionally executes statements if: ... else: ...
Select Case Conditionally executes statements if: ... else: ...
While...Wend Repeats a block of statements while
Abs Returns absolute value of a number abs
Asc Returns the ASCII code of a character ord
AscB Returns the ASCII code of a character ord ??
AscW Returns the ASCII code of a character ord ??
Chr Returns a character from an ASCII code chr
ChrB Returns a character from an ASCII code chr ??
ChrW Returns a character from an ASCII code chr ??
CBool Converts a variant to a boolean bool (Python 2.3)
CByte Converts a variant to a byte int
CDate Converts a variant to a date time.ctime ??
CDbl Converts a variant to a double float
Cint Converts a variant to an integer int
CLng Converts a variant to a long long
CSng Converts a variant to a single float
CStr Converts a variant to a string str
DateSerial Converts a variant to a date time.ctime ??
DateValue Converts a variant to a date time.ctime ??
Hex Converts a variant to a hex string hex
Oct Converts a variant to an octal string oct
Fix Converts a variant to a fixed string "%x.yd" % n
Int Converts a variant to an integer string int
Sgn Converts a variant to a single string ??
TimeSerial Converts a variant to a time ??
TimeValue Converts a variant to a time ??
Date Returns the current date time module
Time Returns the current time time module
DateSerial Returns a date from its parts time module
DateValue Returns a date from its value time module
Day Returns day from a date time module
Month Returns month from a date time module
Weekday Returns weekday from a date time module
Year Returns year from a date time module
Hour Returns hour from a time time module
Minute Returns minute from a time time module
Second Returns seconds from a time time module
Now Returns current date and time time module
TimeSerial Returns a time from its parts time module
TimeValue Returns a time from its value time module
Dim Declares a variable Not possible
Private Declares script-level private variable __name
Public Declares public-level public variable not __name
ReDim Reallocates an array array
Function Declares a function def
Sub Declares a subprocedure def
Error Handling
On Error Enables error handling try
Err Contains information about last error except Exception, err
InputBox Prompts the user for input raw_input / depends on GUI
MsgBox Displays a message to the user depends on GUI
Atn Returns the Arctangent of a number math.atan
Cos Returns the cosine of a number math.cos
Sin Returns the sine of a number math.sin
Tan Returns the tangent of a number math.tan
Exp Returns the exponent of a number math.exp
Log Returns the logarithm of a number math.log / math.log10
Sqr Returns the square root of a number math.sqrt
Randomize Reseeds the randomizer random.seed
Rnd Returns a random number random.random
+ Addition +
- Subtraction -
^ Exponentiation **
Mod Modulus arithmetic divmod(x, y)[1]
* Multiplication *
/ Division /
\ Integer Division divmod(x, y)[0]
- Negation -
& String concatenation +
= Equality ==
<> Inequality <> or !=
< Less Than <
<= Less Than or Equal To <=
> Greater Than >
>= Greater Than or Equal To >=
Is Compares expressions is
And Compares expressions and
Or Compares expressions or
Xor Compares expressions No equivalent
Eqv Compares expressions ??
Imp Compares expressions ??
CreateObject Creates reference to an OLE object win32com.client.dis-patch
IsObject Returns True if object is valid ??
Option Explicit Forces explicit variable declaration No equivalent
Call Invokes a subprocedure name()
Function Declares a function def
Sub Declares a subprocedure def
Instr Returns index of a string in another s.find
InStrB Returns index of a string in another s.find
Len Returns the length of a string len
LenB Returns the length of a string len
Lcase Converts a string to lowercase s.lower
Ucase Converts a string to uppercase s.upper
Left Returns the left portion of a string s[:n]
LeftB Returns the left portion of a string s[:n]
Mid Returns the mid portion of a string s[n:m]
MidB Returns the mid portion of a string s[n:m]
Right Returns the right portion of a string s[m:]
RightB Returns the right portion of a string s[m:]
Space Pads a string with spaces s.ljust
StrComp Compares two strings ==
String Pads a string with a character s += char*n
Ltrim Removes leading spaces from a string ??
Rtrim Removes trailing spaces from a string ??
Trim Removes leading and trailing spaces s.strip
IsArray Returns True if variable is an array hasattr(obj, 'len') ??
IsDate Returns True if variable is a date ??
IsEmpty Returns True if variable is empty is None
IsNull Returns True if variable is null. is None
IsNumeric Returns True if variable is a number try: float(x) ??
IsObject Returns True if variable is an object No equivalent
VarType Indicates a variable's type No equivalent
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